Chapter One
Real-Life Stories
S chool is supposed to be a place where you feel safe to learn new things and make friends. But for many kids, school doesn’t always feel safe. One reason school might feel unsafe is bullying. A bully is anyone who uses power to control other people. A bully might use strength to push someone around. Or he might use the fact he’s popular to convince people to make fun of someone. No matter what kind of bullying is going on or who’s doing the bullying, it’s not OK. You should feel good about who you are, not worry someone is going to make fun of you. You shouldn’t have to worry about getting hurt or upset because of a bully. Not all bullying looks alike. The first step to avoiding or stopping bullying is to know what it looks like. TYPES OF BULLYING
Bullying comes in different forms. Here are a few:
• Verbal bullying. When someone says or even writes hurtful things about others, she is verbally bullying them. Threats, teasing, and name-calling are all kinds of verbal bullying.
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