Chapter Four
What Can You Do to Stay Safe?
Y ou have the power to make bullies less powerful. You may even be able to stop the bul- lying you see. Each bully is different. One bully might stop hurting you if you stand up and say “No!” Another might not. Instead, the second bully might stop if you just ignore what’s going on. Try different things, and see what works for you. Don’t give up. Get some help, and the bullying will get better. IF YOU’RE BULLIED If you’re dealing with bullying now, try out these tips. And even if you aren’t, you should know how to deal with bullying before it happens. • Avoid bullies. You won’t always be able to stay away from bullies, but you can do more than you think. If a bully sits right behind you in class, ask the teacher to move the seats around so you’re not sitting near her. If you always pass a bully walking home from school, find a different way to walk, take a bus, or see if you can get an adult to drive you home.
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