If someone you know is being bullied, being a friend to her is one of the best ways you can help.
If you run into the person you saw getting bullied, be nice to her. Talk to her. Offer to sit next to her at lunch or on the bus. Chances are she needs a friend. Having someone to talk to will help her feel a lot better about her day, and maybe even her whole life. Whatever you do, don’t encourage the bully. Bullies want a reaction from people, including witnesses. If you laugh or say anything positive about the bullying, the bully will get what he wants. And whatever you do, don’t join in the bullying! IF YOU ARE A BULLY Anyone can stop bullying, even if you’re the bully yourself. Bullies often find it hard to change their behavior. But there are ways to stop. If you realize you have bullied someone, apologize to the person. Tell him you know what you did was wrong and you’re sorry. You can’t take back the bullying, but you can make your victim feel better by apologizing. Now figure out how you want to act differently. Do you say mean things about people’s clothes
Bully on Campus & Online
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