At first, alcohol might make you feel good, but that feeling won’t last forever and using alcohol can end up hurting you.
“At first, drugs and alcohol gave me confidence, self-esteem, and filled that void I’d carried around with me for so many years.” Lauren didn’t think twice about doing the drugs. After all, everyone around her used them. “Peer pressure is something all teens live with. Teenagers spend most of their waking hours with their peers—not their family members.” But then she got help. Lauren went to drug rehab to get sober and stop using drugs. While she was there, she met lots of people who inf luenced her in a good way. She says, “It was only when I finally got checked into a treatment center that worked with adolescent substance abuse that I found myself a whole new set of peers who were working towards the same goals as I was. It was easier to stay sober when I surrounded myself with other sober teens.
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