Chapter One
Real-Life Stories
O ne summer night, Caleb’s parents were throwing a party. The family had a large back- yard and invited some friends and neighbors for a pool party. Caleb and his family had just moved into the neighborhood and this was the first time their friends would see their new home. That day, Caleb’s parents were very busy making sure everything was ready. Caleb’s older sister was given the chore of cleaning the f loors and windows of their home. Ca- leb’s father made sure the pool had enough chemicals. Caleb’s mother bought coals and lighter f luid for the grill. This all seems very normal. Caleb’s parents wanted the house to be clean to impress their friends. They made sure the pool had enough chemicals so it wouldn’t be dirty. They bought coals and lighter f luid so that they could serve food to their guests. But the products Caleb’s family used all have one thing in common: they are all poisonous. CALEB POISONS HIMSELF Before this night, Caleb had no idea how many poisons he lived around every day. Many of the things we have around us—like fuel, glue, hair-care products, soaps, cleaning products, certain plants and berries, or even medication—can be poisonous if eaten or used improperly.
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