If he wants to make enough for everyone to have 3 burgers, howmany batches will he need to make? Now Lamar realizes that it’s going to take him a while to make that many batches of burgers. He’s going to need to allow time for all the batches to cook. If it takes 8 minutes for one batch to cook, how long will it take for him to cook 3 batches? If he makes 18 burgers, enough for everyone to have 3, how long will he need to allow for the cooking time? P ractices with B atches Fill out the following chart for more practice.
HowMany Batches?
Cooking Time
You want to make 8 pieces of toast, but your toaster will only hold 2 slices of bread at a time. It takes 3 minutes for each batch to toast. You’re baking cookies that need 12 minutes to bake. The recipe will make 36 cookies, but your cookie sheet will only hold 12 cookies at a time.
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