F ind O ut M ore in B ooks
Blocker, Linda and Julia Hill. Culinary Math . Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2007.
D’Amico, Joan and Karen Eich Drummond. The Math Chef: Over 60 Math Activities and Recipes for Kids . Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2007. McCallum, Ann. Eat Your Math Homework: Recipes for Hungry Minds . Watertown, Mass.: Charlesbridge, 2011.
Minden, Cecilia. Grocery Shopping by the Numbers . North Mankato, Minn.: Cherry Lake, 2007.
Nissenberg, Sandra. The Everything Kids’ Cookbook: FromMac n Cheese to Double Chocolate Chip Cookies—90 Recipes to Have some Finger-Lickin Fun . Avon, Mass.: Adams Media, 2008.
Weiss, Ellen. Math in the Kitchen . Chicago, Ill.: Children’s Press, 2007.
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