Comprehensive Catalog 2016
SCIENCE FUNDAMENTALS An understanding of science helps young people to answer questions about the world around them. The SCIENCE FUNDAMENTALS series provides an introduction to four important areas of science: Energy, Life, Space, and Time. Each of these 48-page books is written in an easy-to- understand style, and includes numerous color illustrations and maps. A CHRONOLOGY, GLOSSARY OF TERMS, A GUIDE TO ADDITIONAL RESOURCES FOR MORE INFORMATION, TEXT-DEPENDENT QUESTIONS AND REPORT IDEAS, AND AN INDEX SUPPLEMENT THE UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION PROVIDED WITHIN THE BOOKS.
4 VOLUME SET © 2016
Set ISBN ............ 978-1-4222-35 - Hardcover Set Price ............. $111.72 $83.80 (S&L) Hardcover List Price ................ 20.95 (S&L) Multi-User eBook List Price ..... 35.93 26.95 (S&L) Full color • Library bound Trim Size: 8.5 x 11 • 48 pages Grade Level: 5-7 12 6 27.93
Space has aroused curiosity from earliest known humans to today, and thus, this entry in the Science Fundamentals series traces what we have learned from the earliest peoples’ questions to sophisticated scienti c explorations of the twenty- rst century. This book helps students examine the layers of discoveries—such as the connection between neutron stars, black holes, and dark matter—and the scientists behind them, and may even inspire readers to pursue their own research.
-3513-3 -3514-0 -3515-7 -3516-4
-8333-2 -8334-9 -8335-6 -8336-3
The Science of Energy ��������������������������������� The Science of Life �������������������������������������� The Science of Space ���������������������������������� The Science of Time ������������������������������������
E D I T O R I A L K E Y I C ON S In response to the principals of learning, our editorial team has devised key icons placed within our books, providing the reader with further reading comprehension and learning opportunities.
— Booklist April 1, 2016
…each chapter contains photos and color telescope images, a chapter glossary, text-dependent questions, and suggested topics to serve as jumping- o points for students research projects.
— Booklist April 1, 2016
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