Comprehensive Catalog 2016
Y O U N G A D U L T ' S G U I D E T O T H E S C I E N C E O F H E A L T H
“ Written primarily for the middle school student, the eight chapters in- clude well-researched discussions about self-esteem, the role of nutrients in maintaining one’s health, food guides and a balanced diet, the role of vitamins, minerals and water in maintaining good health, staying active, exercise related risks and injuries and how to avoid them, body image, and setting and achieving personal health goals. Designed to help young adults cope with the various health choices and questions confronting them as they enter adolescence, this dynamic set of books provides accurate information and helpful resources for young people navigating their transition to adulthood.
— Children’s Literature
Series Consultants: Mary Ann McDonnell, Ph.D., R.N., Former Director of Clinical Trials, Pediatric Psychopharmacology Research Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School Dr. Sara Forman, Board Certified Physician, Adolescent Medicine
10 VOLUME SET © 2014
Set ISBN .......... 978-1-4222-2803-6 Hardcover Set Price .......... $332.70 $249.50 (S&L) Hardcover List Price .............. 33.27 24.95 (S&L) Multi-User eBook List Price ... 42.60 31.95 (S&L) Full color • Library bound • Ages: 12 & up Trim Size: 6 3 / 8 x 9 1 / 4 • 128 pages -9001-9 Drug- & Alcohol-Related Health Issues ........-2808-1 -9004-0 Fitness & Nutrition ......................................-2809-8 -9005-7 Growth & Development ...............................-2810-4 -9006-4 Health Implications of Cosmetic Surgery, Makeovers, & Body Alterations .................-2811-1 -9007-1 Managing Stress ........................................-2813-5 -9009-5 Sexually Transmitted Infections ..................-2814-2 -9010-1 Sleep Deprivation & Its Consequences.........-2815-9 -9011-8 Smoking-Related Health Issues ...................-2816-6 -9012-5 Suicide & Self-Destructive Behaviors...........-2817-3 -9013-2 Weight Management ...................................-2818-0 -9014-9 .......N/A HBK ISBN E-ISBN Contraception & Pregnancy ........................
... Most useful as a resource for high school health classes...Liberally illustrated with lots of sidebars, a glossary, index & suggestions for further reading or additional info... • The text includes lots of first-person narratives from teens who have encountered the problems discussed–this adds an immediacy and relevance to what is otherwise fairly dry material full of facts and figures.
— Children’s Literature
N/A: (Out of print in hardback)
Mason Crest , an Imprint of National Highlights | Toll-Free 866.627.2665 | Fax 610.543.3878 82
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