C ontents

F oreword by M anny G omez , E sq . …….…… 6

6 F ighting for F reedom A broad …….……56

1 H istory of the U.S. A rmy …….…….…… 8

7 T he W ar A gainst T errorism …….…….64

S eries G lossary …….…….…….…….……72

2 M issions and C ommands of the U.S. A rmy …….…….…….…….…….18

C hronology … .…….…….…….…….……76

3 T raining for D efense …….…….…….30

F urther R esources …….…….…….…….78

4 W eapons of the U.S. A rmy …….…….40

I ndex …….…….…….…….…….…….……79

5 C hemical , N uclear , and B iological D efense … .…….…….…….…….……50

A bout the A uthor and P icture C redits ……80

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