famous archipelago called the Galápagos Islands. The Galápagos Islands are a group of about 15 large and hundreds of small islands. They were formed from volcanic lava and are composed mainly of a type of rock called basalt. They are home to more than 5,000 animal and plant species, including some of the world’s most unusual creatures. The Costa The coastal region of Ecuador lies west of the great Andean range. It is a flat plain composed of three main types of ecosystems: tropical rain forests, tropical savannas, and dry forests. Ecuador’s coast is dotted with resort towns, small fishing villages, parks, reserves, and deserted beaches. It is home to the world’s largest remaining altitude— height above sea level. archipelago— a group of islands. cacao— a bean used to make chocolate and cocoa. cloud forest— a type of tropical forest that grows at high elevations and is often covered by clouds. diverse— having great variety. mangrove— a type of tropical, coastal tree with long, exposed, tangled roots. plateau— a flat area of land at high elevation. savanna— a flat area of land with large expanses of long, tough grass and occasional clumps of small trees. tributary— a stream or river that flows into a larger stream or river. Words to Understand in this Chapter
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