
Hamsters are prey animals and are very good at dis- guising signs of illness and pain, so familiarity with your own pet is vital. It is important that you contact a vet as soon as possible if you have any concerns about your hamster’s health. This section gives some of the more common problems that hamsters can suffer from. Accidents, injuries, or illness can occur and in the first instance a vet should be contacted to arrange treatment. But, in the time between the discovery of a problem and reaching the surgery, you are responsible for providing the best care you can. Wounds and mishaps Hamsters are active, inquisitive, short-sighted, and so easily frightened that they may get injured when investigating their world or hurt themselves when trying to run away from something that has scared them. Stress is often the underlying cause of wounds and bald patches on the nose, or around the lips. These can become inflamed, red, or even bleeding due to bar rubbing. Your pet should be seen by the vet, and you should consider what may be causing the problem.



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