
Hamsters are very short sighted, so it is best to talk to them gently when you approach them so as to not startle them. If you do startle them, they may well bite because they are afraid. Hamsters have red or black eyes. Ears Like other rodents, hamsters hear far better than hu- mans do. They can hear high pitched sounds which we cannot, in the ultrasonic range. This means they hear noises from human equipment such as televisions and refrigerators. For hamsters these are very loud and stressful, so the animals will need a quiet place to live in your home. Feet The front feet have four claws (nails) and there are five on the back feet. The soles of the feet are bare and very sensitive, like our hands and fingers. The front toes are used for holding food, gripping surfaces as they climb and for grooming their coat. Movement Hamsters walk, trot, and run. They can squeeze through narrow gaps. If their head can get through then so can the rest of their body.



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