C A U S E S & E F F E C T S O F E M O T I O N S
Series Consultant: Cindy Croft, M.A.Ed, Director of the Center for Inclusive Child Care at Concordia University
Young people feel emotions deeply from the high of a new romantic relationship to the low of a being bullied by other students but they often misunderstand their own feelings. This series allows readers to explore the origins of their emotions, both positive and negative. It helps young people to understand why they feel the way they do. EACH BOOK TEACHES READERS ABOUT A DIFFERENT EMOTION, EXPLORING THE SCIENCE BEHIND THEIR FEELINGS AND HOW THEY CAN LEARN FROM THEIR EMOTIONS.
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Set ISBN .......... 978-1-4222-3067-1 Hardcover Set Price .......... $415.09 $311.35 (S&L) Hardcover List Price .............. 31.93 23.95 (S&L) Multi-User eBook List Price ... 39.93 29.95 (S&L) Full color • Library bound Trim Size: 7 1 / 4 x 9 1 / 4 • 64 pages Grade Level: 7-12 13 VOLUME SET © 2015 HBK ISBN E-ISBN Anger................................................-3068-8 -8761-3 Embarrassment, Shame, and Guilt .....-3069-5 -8762-0 Emotional Self-Awareness.................-3070-1 -8763-7 Empathy and Compassion .................-3071-8 -8764-4 Envy and Jealousy.............................-3072-5 -8765-1 Fear and Anxiety................................-3073-2 -8766-8 Happiness .........................................-3074-9 -8767-5 Loneliness ........................................-3075-6 -8768-2 Optimism and Self-Confidence ..........-3076-3 -8769-9 Romantic Attraction ...........................-3077-0 -8770-5 Sadness............................................-3078-7 -8771-2 Stress and Tension ............................-3079-4 -8772-9 Surprise and Flexibility .....................-3080-0 -8773-6 E D I T O R I A L K E Y I C ON S In response to the principles of the Common Core, our editorial team has devised key icons placed within our books, providing the reader with further reading comprehension and learning opportunities.
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These books provide a multifaceted overview of common emotions, offering explanations that are always informative and never heavy-handed or obvious. · The books make effective use of fictional stories that give a human face to the emotions. · A discussion of how even the most negative emotions can play a positive role will be enlightening. · Graphics help visual learners conceptualize abstract ideas. For instance, a “Stress meter” shows the levels of anxiety on a barometer from “coping” to “stressed” to “anxiety attack.” · Activity suggestions, such as drawing a neuron, are as top-notch as the rest of the content. · Strong offerings. — School Library Journal
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