Mason Crest 2015 - 2016 School Year Catalog
The lives of millions of kids have been touched by mental illness. Despite the numbers, mental illness remains stigmatized, making it all too common for kids to feel like they are all alone with their problems. A timely and vital introduction to Mental Illnesses and Disorders, the set provides an inclusive approach to understanding their causes, effects, and treatment. Whether readers are seeking information about family members, friends, or themselves, these books will help explain the challenges that individuals with mental disorders and illnesses face. Volumes will explore problems most of us face at some point, such as anxiety and depression, as well as introducing readers to more specific challenges like autism, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress disorder. THE SET PROVIDES BOTH CLEAR PERSPECTIVE AND DOWN-TO-EARTH ADVICE, LETTING READERS KNOW THEY ARE NOT ALONE.
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