Mason Crest Spring Catalog
T H E GR E AT OU T DOORS ! Put down the screen! Turn off the TV! Unplug . . . and experience the joy of THE GREAT OUTDOORS! In each book in this series, readers will be inspired to try a new activity that they can’t do with a smartphone. Studies show that young people spend more time looking at a screen than enjoying outdoor adventures. Find out the gear you should bring on a backpacking trip or how you can start flyfishing. CHECK OUT THE EXCITEMENT OF MOUNTAIN BIKING OR THE CALMING MOOD OF NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY. TRY OUT WATER-SKIING OR SNOWBOARDING. EXPERT AUTHORS OFFER INSIDER TIPS FOR READERS. THIS SERIES WILL PROVIDE STARTING POINTS, EXPERT ADVICE, AND IDEAS FOR SUCCESS IN THE GREAT OUTDOORS.
Actual Text Size have been changed into walking paths. Check out to find a trail near you. Walk with the animals bird-watching sites often have trails leading to them. Go to college There’s often a fitness trail, garden or nature path on campus. Take the bus Sometimes you can ride the bus right to a trailhead. Hot Weather Hiking Tips
havebeenchanged to finda trailnearyou. Walk with the animals Nearby wildlife preserves, marshes and bird-watching sitesoftenhave trails leading to them. Go to college There’soften a fitness trail, gardenornaturepathon campus. Take thebus Sometimesyoucan ride thebus right toa trailhead. Hot Weather Hiking Tips ecentstudieshaveshown that thebest temperature forhiking is 50 F to 55 F.Above this range, a hiker’s performance goes down.As temperatures rise,hikersmustadjust. • Timeyourhike forthecooloftheday.Earlymorning isbest, lateeve- ningsecondbest.Avoidmid-daywhen thesun isdirectlyoverhead. • Wearahat • Apply sunblock (minimumSPF15)onallexposed skin. • Wear loose fitting, light-colored lightweightclothing • Carry—anddrink—lotsofwater. Cold Weather Hiking Tips et all the synthetic-fabric clothing you have and get ready to dosomeserious layering.Wearheavysocksandweatherproof boots • Get the latestweather report and adjust your tripwith regard to any stormsapproaching. • Packwaterproofouter layersofclothing. • Wearahat, scarforhood,glovesormittens. • Drinkplentyof fluids • Eat regularly,with lotsofhigh-energy snacks • Use trekkingpoles tokeepbalanceon slippery slopes
Finding a Hike near Home ome people think hiking is only aweekend activity and you have tomakea longdrive far into themountains to finda trail. Not true!Often you can find a place to hike near your home. Look for trails incity,countyand stateparks,greenwaysandneighbor- hood pathways. Often there are paths to hike along nearby streams, pondsand lakes. Youmightbesurprisedwhata littleresearchmight find in thewayof parksand trails.Here’swhat to look for: Awalk in thepark Parks in the city and in the suburbs often have lotsof trails Make tracks Many thousandsofmilesofout-of-use railroad tracks Ahead covering is vital in thehot, dry conditionsofadeserthike.
10 VOLUME SET © 2017
Set ISBN ..........978-1-4222-3565-2 Hardcover Set Price ...........$279.30 $209.50 (S&L) Hardcover List Price ..............27.93 $20.95 (S&L) Multi-User eBook List Price ...35.93 $26.95 (S&L)
Full color • Library bound Trim Size: 7 x 9 • 48 pages Grade Level: 5-7
Cold Weather Hiking Tips
Camping ............................................. -3566-9 -8311-0 Discovering Nature ..............................-3567-6 -8312-7 Fishing................................................. -3568-3 -8313-4 Hiking and Backpacking ......................-3569-0 -8314-1 Horseback Riding ................................ -3570-6 -8315-8 Hunting ............................................... -3571-3 -8316-5 Mountain Biking .................................. -3572-0 -8317-2 Snow Sports ........................................-3573-7 -8318-9 Survival Skills ......................................-3574-4 -8319-6 Water Sports ....................................... -3575-1 -8320-2 HBK ISBN E-ISBN ED I TOR I AL KEY I CONS In response to the principals of learning, our editorial team has devised key icons placed within our books, providing the reader with further reading comprehension and learning opportunities.
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