Mason Crest Spring Catalog
GROW I NG UP L GB T Q These comprehensive guides engage readers on the major issues and challenges facing LGBTQ youth. Each volume explores a pivotal aspect of LGBTQ experience, offering support, thorough information, and further resources. From coming out to friends and family to engaging in politics and maintaining physical and mental health, this remarkable series addresses a wide-range of questions and concerns that many LGBTQ young people have in straightforward friendly terms. LIVING PROUD! IS NOT JUST THE NAME OF THE SERIES BUT THE GOAL FOR EVERY ONE OF ITS READERS.
Series Consultant: Kevin Jennings Founder, GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network and Executive Director, Arcus Foundation
10 VOLUME SET © 2017
Set ISBN ..........978-1-4222-3501-0 Hardcover Set Price ...........$319.30 Hardcover List Price ..............31.93 Multi-User eBook List Price ...39.93
$239.50 (S&L) $23.95 (S&L) $29.95 (S&L)
Full color • Library bound Trim Size: 7 x 9 • 64 pages Grade Level: 7-12
Being Transgender ............................ -3502-7 Coming Out and Seeking Support ...... -3503-4 Confronting Stereotypes..................... -3509-6 Engaging with Politics ........................ -3504-1 Facing Homophobia ........................... -3508-9 Finding Community ............................ -3505-8 Keeping Physically Healthy ................ -3506-5 Living with Religion and Faith ............ -3507-2 Staying Mentally Healthy .................... -3510-2 Understanding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity ....................... -3511-9
-8375-2 -8376-9 -8382-0 -8377-6 -8381-3 -8378-3 -8379-0 -8380-6 -8383-7
Information is provided in a variety of ways, including the employment of sidebar features (like “The Roots of Gender Prejudice,” “Sex Versus Gender,” and so on) as well as a “Words to Understand” feature that introduces each chapter. “…this valuable book contains a generous amount of helpful information about its subject.
— Booklist
ED I TOR I AL KEY I CONS In response to the principals of learning, our editorial team has devised key icons placed within our books, providing the reader with further reading comprehension and learning opportunities.
” Whether one is or isn’t amember of the LGBTQ community, this commendable resource o ers personal anecdotes, historical and current events, and informational sidebars accompanied by relevant, recent photographs to explore the issues facing LGBTQyouth. Gender identity, political advocacy, marriage equality, and self-acceptance are just some topics, each with a perspective extending far beyond U.S. borders. — School Library Journal
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