Mason Crest Spring Catalog
Set ISBN ...........978-1-4222-3256-9 Hardcover Set Price ...........$223.51 $167.65 (S&L) Hardcover List Price ..............31.93 $23.95 (S&L) Multi-User eBook List Price ...39.93 $29.95 (S&L) Full color • Library bound Trim Size: 8 ½ x 11 • 64 pages Grade Level: 7-12 7 VOLUME SET © 2016 Cézanne ...........................................-3257-6 -8534-3 Dali .................................................. -3258-3 -8535-0 Gauguin.............................................-3259-0 -8536-7 Klimt ................................................ -3260-6 -8537-4 Monet................................................-3261-3 -8538-1 Renoir .............................................. -3262-0 -8539-8 van Gogh .............................................. -3263-7 -8540-4 HBK ISBN E-ISBN ” Excellent, in-depth examinations of celebrated painters. Each of these titles opens with a context-setting introduction, followed by a fewpages of biography, and thenmoves on to a lengthy section detailingmajor works, alongwith technical analysis and biographical and historical background. All of the books are lavishly illustratedwith large reproductions of theworks, photographs of the artists, and relevant artifacts of their respective periods and cultures. • VERDICT: These outstanding introductions are well suited for both research and ready reference. — School Library Journal
A VIBRANT SERIES OF BOOKS - THE GREAT ARTIST COLLECTION PROVIDES AN EXCELLENT INTRODUCTION TO YOUNG READERS TO UNDERSTAND THE LIFE AND HISTORY OF EACH ARTIST, alongside a look at some of their most important and influential works. Each artists biography is presented in an eye-catching format that includes time lines and critical analyses of the artists seminal works in their historical context, with attention paid to the culture of the time. The books include additional information about where each artists paintings can be found in museums, as well as suggestions for further reading, and online resources that will satisfy the most curious minds - perfect for casual reading or easy reference.
giving you an insight into their paths to stardom. Each title in this series includes fantastic photographs, biographical information, and statistics on these celebrities. These high-interest books will appeal to the most reluctant readers with intimate details on each pop icon that will amaze even their biggest fans.
the tourback in2000withNo Doubt,while female-fronted rockersParamore had headlined the2007 tourwith lead singer HayleyWilliams the standout performerof the entire festival line-up. Butour girlwas clearly ready andwilling tomeet the challenge andmeasure up to herpredecessors. “Warped is going tobe grueling and hot,but I’m ready to survive it – even without showers,”Katy said. “WhenGwendid the tour she looked fabulous hopping around on stage in her littlepolka-dotted dresses. I’m so channeling that.” Though shewasn’t headlining, the crowd that gathered to see her30-minute setwas just as big as thosewatchingbigger acts such asAngels&Airwaves, MotionCitySoundtrack, andThe Academy Is… The ideaofbeing a rock chick with a guitar, hidingbehindblack sunglasses, gaveKaty cool credibility.But itwouldn’tbe long before shewas trading those shades for the crownofqueenof pop.Andwith thatwould come thedevelopmentof her very ownstyle. She’s explained it as similar to suffering from “multi-personality disorder – in a very goodway, of course –when it comes to my fashion choices.When I first startedplaying aroundwithmy look, itwasmoreof aDitaVon Teesepin-up thing.” Katy’s kookydress sensewas proving asmemorable as her music.Shedefined her fashion as “abitof a concoctionofdifferent things. I really like to look like a historybook. I can look Forties, I can look Fifties, hippie-chic,or sometimes I’llpull thatEighties Brooklyn hip-hop kidwith the door-knocker earrings.”And
FreddieMercurywas still a role model, not somuch fashion-wise but in attitude.SaidKaty: “Hewas flamboyantwith a twistof the operatic,but –more importantly – he justdidn’t give a ****.” With a tour alreadybooked and paid for,Katy’s first gigs inBritain were to students even though shewas alreadymega-successful in theStates.British critics likened her to the fiveSpiceGirls rolled intoone. Journalists found her very approachable,one saying “shewon’t shoo you away, she’ll look you in the eye and answer anyquestion you throw at her – she’s veryopen.” Unfortunately thisoutspoken honesty got her into hotwater with homegrown heroineLily AllenwhenKaty unwisely described herself as a “skinny versionofLilyAllen.”The slightly fuller-figuredbut equally feistyMissAllen riposted that “I hear you are the answer to me,” throwing adescriptionon a record-companybiography straightback in her face. Happily the two girls settled their differenceswithout a catfight. In February 2009,both I KissedAGirl and HotNCold were certified three-timesplatinumby Recording IndustryAssociation ofAmerica for their individual digital salesofover threemillion. A year later, the GuinnessBookof WorldRecords would recognize Katy as having achieved the “Best Starton theUSDigitalChartby a FemaleArtist,” having seen those first two singles sellover two milliondigital copies. Next upon the singles front was ThinkingOf You , released in January 2009 andoneof three songson the OneOfThe Boys album thatPerrywrote allby herself. Itwas relatively disappointing in chart terms,only
4 VOLUME SET © 2015
ABOVE: Katyperforms on theWarpedTour.
Set ISBN ...........978-1-4222-3246-0 Hardcover Set Price ...........$127.72 Hardcover List Price ..............31.93 Multi-User eBook List Price ...39.93 Full color • Library bound Trim Size: 8 ½ x 11 • 64 pages Grade Level: 4-8
$95.80 (S&L) $23.95 (S&L) $29.95 (S&L)
Justin Bieber................................................... -3247-7 -8660-9 Katy Perry........................................................ -3248-4 -8661-6 One Direction................................................... -3249-1 -8662-3 Taylor Swift..................................................... -3250-7 -8663-0 HBK ISBN E-ISBN
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