Mason Crest Spring Catalog
When studying the indigenous peoples of North, Central, & South America, it is important to understand that Native American cultures are highly diverse. With more than 500 Native American nations & 300 different language groups, there are few universal characteristics that apply across tribal boundaries. Traditions, ceremonies, sports, games, dance, subsistence patterns, clothing, and religion often differed greatly from tribe to tribe. The Native American Life series has been written to dispel many of the myths and stereotypes about Native American history and traditions, and to provide a more accurate and encompassing journey into the world of Native Americans.
15 VOLUME SET © 2014
Set ISBN ............... 978-1-4222-2963-7 Hardcover Set Price ................ $399.00 Hardcover List Price ................... 26.60 Multi-User eBook List Price ........ 33.27 Trim Size: 6 1 / 2 x 9 1 / 4 • 64 pages • Full color Library bound • Ages: 10 & up
$299.25 (S&L) 19.95 (S&L) 24.95 (S&L) $ $
Europeans and Native Americans .....................-2964-4 -8851-1 Homes of the Native Americans........................-2965-1 -8852-8 Hunting With the Native Americans...................-2966-8 -8853-5 Native American Confederacies ........................-2967-5 -8854-2 Native American Cooking .................................-2968-2 -8855-9 Native American Family Life .............................-2969-9 -8856-6 Native American Festivals & Ceremonies ..........-2970-5 -8857-3 Native American Horsemanship ........................-2971-2 -8858-0 Native American Languages .............................-2972-9 -8859-7 Native American Medicine................................-2973-6 -8860-3 Native American Religions................................-2974-3 -8861-0 Native American Rivalries.................................-2975-0 -8862-7 Native American Sports & Games .....................-2976-7 -8863-4 Native American Tools and Weapons.................-2977-4 -8864-1 What the Native Americans Wore......................-2978-1 -8865-8 HBK ISBN E-ISBN
” The use of many inserts, sidebars, color photos & drawings mixed with a moderate amount of text helps give the book an appealing, reader-friendly appearance. — Children’s Literature Series Consultant: Dr. Troy Johnson, Professor of History and American Indian Studies California State University. Dr. Johnson is chairman of the American Indian Studies program at California State University, Long Beach, California. He is an interna- tionally published author and is the author, co-author, or editor of twenty books, including Wisdom Spirits: American Indian Prophets, Re- vitalization Movements , and Cultural Survival (University of Nebraska Press, 2012); The Indians of Eastern Texas & The Fredonia Revolution of 1828 (Edwin Mellen Press, 2011); and The American Indian Red Power Movement: Alcatraz to Wounded Knee (University of Nebraska Press, 2008).
Mason Crest , an Imprint of National Highlights | To l l -Fr e e 8 6 6 . 6 2 7 . 2 6 6 5 | F a x 6 1 0 . 5 4 3 . 3 8 7 8 58
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