Mason Crest Spring Catalog
Crime, the detection of criminals, and the punishment of offenders, has taken many forms throughout history, and these 20 volumes examine the subject from every angle. Find out how the judicial system and methods of crime solving have evolved right up to the cyber age. Explore the development of punishments through the ages, from the biblical notion of an “eye for an eye” to modern penal systems that emphasize rehabilitation over penalty. DISCOVER THE TERRIBLE PUNISHMENTS OF TIMES PAST AND PRESENT, FROM THE “DEATH OF A THOUSAND CUTS” AND THE CRUEL AND FIENDISH TORTURES OF THE SPANISH INQUISITION, TO CONTEMPORARY CAPITAL PUNISHMENT.
20 VOLUME SET © 2017
Set ISBN ..........978-1-4222-3469-3 Hardcover Set Price ...........$665.40 Hardcover List Price ..............33.27 Multi-User eBook List Price ...42.60
$499.00 (S&L) $24.95 (S&L) $31.95 (S&L)
Full color • Library bound Trim Size: 7 x 9 • 96 pages Grade Level: 7-12
ED I TOR I AL KEY I CONS In response to the principals of learning, our editorial team has devised key icons placed within our books, providing the reader with further reading comprehension and learning opportunities. Capital Punishment................................ -3473-0 -8400-1 Criminal Terminology ............................. -3470-9 -8397-4 Cyber Crime .......................................... -3471-6 -8398-1 Daily Prison Life..................................... -3472-3 -8399-8 Domestic Crime ..................................... -3474-7 -8401-8 Famous Trials ........................................ -3476-1 -8403-2 Forensic Science ................................... -3477-8 -8404-9 Global Terrorism..................................... -3481-5 -8408-7 Government Intelligence Agencies ......... -3478-5 -8405-6 Hate Crimes........................................... -3479-2 -8406-3 The History of Punishment ..................... -3487-7 -8414-8 The History of Torture............................. -3480-8 -8407-0 Infamous Prisons ................................... -3475-4 -8402-5 Organized Crime.................................... -3483-9 -8410-0 Protecting Yourself Against Criminals ..... -3484-6 -8411-7 Race and Crime ..................................... -3485-3 -8412-4 Serial Murders ....................................... -3486-0 -8413-1 Unsolved Crimes.................................... -3482-2 -8409-4 The U.S. Justice System ........................ -3488-4 -8415-5 War on Drugs......................................... -3489-1 -8416-2
Series Consultant: Manny Gomez, Esq President of MG Security Services, Chairman of the National Law Enforcement Association, former FBI Special Agent, US Marine, and NYPD Sergeant Manny Gomez, an expert on terrorism and security, is President of MG Security Services and a former Principal Relief Supervisor and Special Agent with the FBI. He investigated terrorism and espionage cases as an agent in the National Security Division. Currently Chairman of the Board of the National Law Enforcement Association (NLEA). He also served honorably in the United States Marine Corps infantry. “ ” An intriguing look at the constantly changing eld of scienti c investigation; The features that separate this treatment from earlier titles are the abundance of color photographs and the international scope; overall this is a detailed and thorough package. — School Library Journal
Mason Crest , an Imprint of National Highlights | To l l -Fr e e 8 6 6 . 6 2 7 . 2 6 6 5 | F a x 6 1 0 . 5 4 3 . 3 8 7 8 6
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