Premenstrual Disorders
Spaghetti and other pasta are a good source of carbohydrates.
choices and bingeing. Because so many PMS sufferers craved car- bohydrates during the last part of their luteal phase, Dr. Wurtman studied nineteen PMS sufferers who lived with her at her labs for forty-eight hours before and after the onset of their periods. She measured their food intake and monitored the types of food each woman ate. Dr. Wurtman found that before their periods the women chose carbohydrates more often than they did after their periods began. She also tested the effect of carbohydrates on mood by giving pre- menstrual women a bowl of cornflakes with nondairy creamer. The women who were melancholy and tired became more alert and happier. With this knowledge and the studies she had already performed, Dr. Wurtman began to study the influence of food on serotonin lev-
Premenstrual Disorders •
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