Premenstrual Disorders
is with food choices. Some scientists believe that altering just one meal can make a difference. Eating foods rich in protein elevates the dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain. Protein is con- verted into amino acids, which are the building blocks for the brain’s transmitters. This change can take place in just minutes. Red meats contain large amounts of tryptophan, the necessary amino acid for the brain’s transmitters, but they also contain other amino acids that compete to get into the brain. Without the addition of carbo- hydrates to enhance the absorption of the amino acid tryptophan, there is no benefit. That’s why eating carbohydrates along with pro- teins is important. Even though a carbohydrate like a chocolate cookie or a dough- nut may immediately medicate moods, whole grains such as brown rice, oats, barley, and whole-wheat bread and noodles are the best foods to eat. The body quickly absorbs foods made with processed sugars and flours, rapidly elevating blood sugar levels. Then, blood sugar levels quickly drop again. The body takes longer to digest and absorb whole-grain foods, and so the nervous system reaps the ben- efits of good feelings, greater concentration, and often increased re- laxation over a greater time period. Sandra had been experiencing PMS symptoms for years. Most of the time she felt under control, although later, when they were older, her children told her they had learned to stay clear of Mom during “those times of the month.” Happy that they understood the prob- lem, Sandra’s guilt level lessened over the years. But she suffered from feeling ill for about two weeks of the month. After much read- ing and research, Sandra decided to try a diet of complex carbohy- drates, eliminating as much refined sugar as she could from her diet. She stopped drinking beverages with caffeine and—most difficult of all—she drastically cut back her chocolate intake. After a few weeks of successes and bingeing failures, Sandra fi- nally got control of her eating. Not long after, she noticed she felt better than she had in a long time. She also noticed that her clothes
Premenstrual Disorders •
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