Premenstrual Disorders
When a physician treats a woman with PMS or PMDD, she may try various treatment methods, including diet changes, exercise, diurectics, and hormone therapy, as well as psychiatric drugs. If a woman continues to experience symptoms, the physicianmay feel the patient needs a psychiatric evaluation. A physician who works closely with a psychologist or a psychiatrist may more quickly make an accurate evaluation. Even if the physician does conclude that the patient has PMDD, a therapist might uncover some is- sues that could prove helpful when trying to gain a more com- plete recovery. For instance, Emily might find that she tries too hard to please people. As she makes decisions based on what she knows is right rather than what she thinks will make Sarah or any of her other friends most happy, she will feel better about herself and more in control of her life. Feelings like these add to general well-being, no matter what the patient is dealing with medically.
Many women experience PMS symptoms, but only a few will suffer from PMDD.
Premenstrual Disorders •
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