Premenstrual Disorders
Premenstrual Magnification
Some researchers believe that PMS can cause other emotional or physical problems to become more severe during the last part of the luteal phase. For example, those suffering from eating dis- orders such as bulimia, a disorder in which the sufferer binges on food and then purges it (or vomits), may have an increase in bingeing during this time. Alcoholics or other substance abus- ers may use drugs or alcohol more, while those who suffer from anxiety disorders may have a greater number of attacks during this time. Even asthma and herpes sufferers often experience a sudden intensification of their symptoms.
as systemic lupus erythematosus, fibro- myalgia, and arthritis), hypoglycemia , colitis , and asthma. For women who are affected each month by fluctuating hormone levels, understanding PMS by identifying the symptoms and how they relate to the menstrual cycle may be the first step in gaining relief. Experiencing the on- slaught of both physical and emotional upheaval for up to two weeks can have an alarming effect on a woman’s life
hypoglycemia : An ab- normal decrease in the level of sugar in the body.
colitis : Inflammation of the colon.
and the lives of those around her. Until recently, these symptoms have been overlooked by the medical world. Today, however, medi- cations can help sufferers live normally all month long. As Emily writes in her diary, her world changes once a month. She can’t understand herself or those around her. She is more vola- tile, argues with her friends and family. Schoolwork is more difficult, and she sometimes feels physically ill and cannot face the rigors of
Premenstrual Disorders •
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