Premenstrual Disorders
Who can diagnose a psychiatric disorder?
• psychiatrists • psychiatric advanced practice nurses • medical doctors • clinical nurse specialists • nurse psychiatrists
• social workers • psychologists
However, in most of the United States only medical doctors, psy- chiatrists, clinical nurse specialists, nurse psychiatrists, and ad- vanced practice nurses can prescribe psychotropic medication.
treatment schedule could be decreased side effects and a longer drug tolerance . One of the most important precau- tions to remember about taking Zoloft or Prozac is that there can be a very dan- gerous or fatal reaction between these drugs and MAOIs. If you are presently taking any of the MAOIs—drugs such as Nardil, Parnate, and Marplan—or have quit taking one within the past two weeks, do not begin taking Zoloft or Pro- zac without telling your physician about your drug history.
tolerance : The capacity of the body to endure or become less respon- sive to a substance (as a drug) or a physiolog- ical insult with repeat- ed use or exposure.
Many researchers have studied the effectiveness and safety of Prozac and Zoloft. The drugs are now considered safe to use but must be monitored by a doctor regularly, because each person re- acts differently to medication. Some people are so sensitive they
Premenstrual Disorders •
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