Premenstrual Disorders
Nothing in our society, with the exception of violence and fear, has been more effective in keeping women in their place than the degradation of the menstrual cycle.
—Christiane Northrup, M.D.
pressant. The constant diarrhea could cause her serious problems (including emotional problems caused by vitamin deficiencies) that might be even worse than her original condition. Prozac, being the first of the SSRI antidepressants discovered, has received much media attention. Sometimes this leads to misun- derstandings about drugs and how they work. Prozac has been so widely prescribed that more than 40 million people in more than 90 countries take this medication to help them live a more effective life. Prozac has undergone many safety and effectiveness studies, so its side effects are well understood. Some people will experience side effects; working closely with a physician is the only way each indi- vidual can work out the best treatment for her condition. In Mattie’s case, her physician prescribed another of the SRRIs and that worked fine at a low-level dose.
Although it is not known why, SSRIs affect blood platelets, which are impor- tant in the coagulation of blood. Be- cause of this effect, some patients have experienced abnormal bleeding while using the drug. Although not a typical symptom, any bleeding should be men- tioned immediately to the physician. Because SSRIs are broken down in
coagulation : The clot- ting capability of the blood.
the liver, patients with liver disease must use caution when taking the drug, using lower dosages at the start of the drug therapy. Some antidepressants can cause serious side effects when com- bined with other medications. Care must be taken when using these medications with any other drugs, including over-the-counter or
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Risks and Side Effects
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