Premenstrual Disorders
If a nursing mother is taking an SSRI, the drug will pass through her milk to the baby.
studies have been done on the effects of SSRIs on developing fe- tuses. Some researchers are currently studying antidepressant use during pregnancy, but no conclusions have been reached. The risks must be discussed with the physician. However, some studies have been done on the effect of SSRIs on breastfeeding, and the drug was found to pass to a baby through breast milk. One problem that is often overlooked in treatment with anti- depressants is withdrawal symptoms. Just as most people should gradually increase their dose when they are beginning an antide- pressant, they should also gradually decrease their dose when they are going off it. A discontinuation syndrome is associated with ter- minating the use of antidepressants. Some of the symptoms include dizziness, stomach problems, sleep disturbances, nightmares, anxi- ety, irritability, numbness, or other unusual sensations. Because the symptoms can be signs of other diseases as well, misdiagnosis is
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Risks and Side Effects
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