
It is tempting to leave a puppy to relieve himself on his own—particularly if it is cold or raining. However, this short cut will not pay dividends. You need to stay with your pup and when he spends give a verbal cue, such as “busy” or “be clean,” so that he learns to associate the word with the action. When he performs, praise him lavishly. Do not make the mistake of rushing back inside as soon as your puppy has relieved himself. From your pup’s point of view, he will think that as soon as he goes, he is taken out of the garden, which is full of interesting scents and places to explore. He may decide to employ delaying tactics next time you take him outside in order to prolong his time in the garden. As soon as he has gone, play with him for a couple of minutes, or run through a couple of easy training exercises so he can enjoy some one-on-one time with you before going back into the house. If you stick to the routine outlined above, your puppy will soon get the hang of house training, but bear in mind that you will need to do the thinking for him— taking him out at the specific times—until he is at least six months old.



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