owever, dogs see past these differences and
read body language so they understand what
another dog is communicating. This is one
of the reasons why it is so important to socialize a
puppy with other dogs so that he learns the art of
canine communication.
• A confident, happy dog will have a relaxed body
posture, a calm expression, and a wagging tail.
• A worried dog will have a crouched body posture
with ears back and tail down.
• An assertive dog will stand tall, with tail held high,
and a keen, alert expression.
• A dog may raise his hackles (the hair along his
back) to look as scary as possible. Some dogs
may be showing aggression, but others are being
• A playful dog will go into the bow position, which
shows he is inviting another dog to play.
• An aggressive dog will stand tall, freeze, and
maybe curl back his upper lip in a snarl.