The first wolves that lived alongside
humans proved their worth as
hunters, helping their masters to
track prey, to bring it down, and then
to bring it home. Their other duty was
to guard the home, warning the family
if strangers were approaching.
s civilization developed, farming became
increasingly important, and, again,
domesticated dogs were able to help, herding
the livestock and protecting it from predators.
Centuries later, the ladies of the aristocracy wanted
pretty, little lap dogs that could be played with and
So it was that different dogs were developed for
different jobs. Big, impressive looking dogs were
used for guarding; dogs with good scenting ability
were required for hunting; quick, clever, agile dogs
worked with livestock; and dainty little dogs became
sweet-tempered companions. The males and females
that showed the best ability in their specialist field
were bred together to produce puppies that would be
built for the job. They would replicate their parents’
temperament and working skills. In this way, breed
type was gradually established and became fixed
over succeeding generations.
Breed Groups