Do not worry if your pup loses his appetite to begin
with. It could well be that he is so preoccupied with
his new surroundings that he cannot concentrate on
his food. He will also miss the rivalry of feeding with
his littermates.
Give your pup around 10 minutes to eat his food and
if he loses interest and walks away, simply pick up
the bowl and give him fresh food at his next meal.
It will not be long before your pup is cleaning his
bowl with relish! However, if you have any concerns,
consult your vet.
Obviously the amount you feed will depend on the
breed and the size. The breeder will be able to advise
you on this. In fact, most breeders will give you a diet
sheet, with details of a suggested feeding regime
from puppyhood to adulthood.
As a general rule, meals are reduced from four a
day to three at 12 weeks, and by six months, you will
be feeding two meals a day. Some owners prefer to
continue with this regime throughout their dog’s life,
others prefer to feed one larger meal a day.