In the Home
An inquisitive puppy will want to
explore every nook and cranny of his
new home, so you need to make sure
the environment is free from potential
hazards. A puppy will investigate
everything with his mouth, which can be
deadly. He can jump up and pull things
on top of him. He can get stuck in the
smallest corner, and he can move with
surprising speed if a door is left open.
Look at your home from your puppy’s perspective
and try to eliminate possible danger:
• Tidy all electric cables so they are well out of reach.
• Check fastenings on all ground-floor cupboards,
particularly where cleaners/disinfectants are kept.
• Move valuable/breakable objects from coffee tables
or other surfaces where a puppy could reach.
• Make sure chidren’s toys are stored safely;
many accidents have resulted from a puppy
chewing and swallowing an unsuitable toy.