Sports Psychology

Common and Unusual Issues

Athletic performance represents the fundamental root of sports psychology. New York Yankees catcher Yogi Berra famously said, “Baseball is 90 percent mental, and the other half is physical.” The study of sports psychology furthers the goals of athletes, coaches, and managers who are constantly looking for ways to improve individual or team performance. Winning and losing, the natural outcomes of all sport, can carry major consequences for mental health, especially as the rewards for winning rise at each level of competition. What is more, every athlete is a person and must manage all the myriad everyday factors that affect mental health, such as family, money, and sense of self-worth. Issues in sports psychology often address performances, both physical and mental, that span the range from ordinary to much more rare. Self-Confidence In 1993, New York Mets pitcher Anthony Young overcame a historical cold streak. After 27 straight games without a win, over a timespan of two seasons in which 439 other MLB pitchers


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