Sports Psychology

a sound machine, and meditating prior to rest. That plan, he claims, has boosted his “deep sleep” rate nearly twofold, leading to better daytime productivity and mood. Since sports psychologists focus so heavily on improving performance, their work to discover new insights into the body mind model of wellness and health can be applied to many different areas of life. Many contemporary practices of sports or exercise, such as sharing the score of your last game or the length of your last jog on social media, owe their foundations to sports psychology research that has found it to be beneficial. The link between physical and mental health continues to be researched, and better understood, by sports psychologists whose interest lies in how to unlock the full potential of both. Goals and Pathways Sports, like life, has clearly defined goals. One touchdown equals six points, while graduating from college can provide a first step toward a prestigious career. However, sometimes it is hard to set a goal. Imagine that you want to spend more time at the gym. How should you plan that out? How will you keep yourself honest and committed? What rewards should you give yourself to keep you on the right track? Goal-setting is a huge aspect of sports psychology, since it helps athletes to develop a plan for their practices, their games, and their careers. Insights from psychological analysis of goal-setting, such as providing lots of details and visualizing the roadmap to success, have clear benefits in comparison to having no real vision of your goal. Sports psychology has shown the positive impact of goal-setting, as well as the pathway that must be walked to reach each goal. These studies and exercises help to understand how to develop motivation and how to overcome temptation—like the desire to play a video game instead of doing your homework—so that you can achieve your greatest desires.

Chapter 5: Takeaways for Everyday Life


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