Sports Psychology
Generativity: Concern for other people beyond one’s family and friends, especially younger generations. Grounding: A psychological technique that is used to return focus to the present moment. Groupthink: A state of mind in which people stop thinking for themselves and don’t speak up if they disagree, because they don’t want to be kicked out of the group with whom they identify. Hallucinations: things that a person sees, hears, smells, tastes, or feels that do not exist outside their mind. Hospice, hospices: Hospice care focuses on providing comfort and a good quality of life for people who are in the last stages of an incurable illness. Hypnosis: The act of causing someone to go into a trance, in which they no longer have full control over their thoughts or actions. Hypothesize: To make a guess based on the available information. Imagery: The psychological practice of imagining the desired outcome with the goal of creating the desired outcome. Institutionalized: Referring to a person who is placed in a residential environment away from family. Intake appointment: The first appointment between a psychologist and a client in which the psychologist learns about the client’s history. Intervention: Therapeutic actions designed by a psychologist to help a client create change. Learning disabilities: Disorders that affect one’s ability to understand and learn academic subjects. Such disabilities can also affect physical coordination. Mental disorders: Disorders that affect one’s mood, thought patterns, and behavior. Metacognition: Awareness of one’s thinking. Mindfulness: A mental state achieved by focusing awareness on the present moment. Multi-generational: Referring to something passed down through generations, such as a certain behavior or trait. Multi-sensory experience: An activity that involves the use of several senses at once. These could include sight, hearing, touch, temperature, smell, or pressure as well as emotional sensations like confidence, compassion, and connection. Neuroscience: The scientific study of the human brain and nervous system. Neuroses (plural of neurosis ): Minor mental illnesses with stress symptoms such as anxiety, depression, or obsessive behavior but not causing a break with reality. Neurotypical: Not having a developmental disability. Operant conditioning: Using a system of rewards and punishments to change behavior. Palliative care: Medical treatment to relieve pain, symptoms, and emotional anxiety caused by an illness. Peer-review: Analysis and criticism of a person’s research or ideas by other experts in the same field . Phenomenology: In psychology, the study of personality from the individual’s personal point of view.
Series Glossary of Key Terms
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