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to fold like a typical pair of glasses, enhanced wi-fi capability, more durability to protect against falls, and a waterproof coating. Other improvements are likely to include a faster processor, a better camera, and a bigger display. Bluetooth Technology Bluetooth technology is a powerful, futuristic technology that has its roots in the simple radio science ofMarconi’swireless telegraph. Invented by Dr. JaapHaartsen in themid-1990s,Bluetooth allows for the easy, wireless connection of various devices using radio waves, typically with a range of about 100 yards. Transmissions are low-cost and low-energy, and the wireless nature of radio waves often makes Bluetooth more practical than using wired devices. For example, one of the most common uses of Bluetooth is for streaming music.With Bluetooth, you can send music from a computer or other device to a wireless speaker across the room without the need for the yards of cables and wires required by old-fashioned stereo systems.
In fewer than 20 years, Bluetooth has transformed froma simple short-distance wireless connection into the industry-standard
technology behind many consumer and commercial products. Nearly all modern carmanufacturers now integrateBluetooth technology throughout their vehicles,allow- ing users tomake calls wirelessly, send text messages,or even access smartphone apps. The future of Bluetooth lies in complete integration with all aspects of human life.
A close-up look at Bluetooth technology
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