Stem in Current Events Information Technology
Science and Energy
ENGINEERING AND Information Technology
E ngineering in information technology refers to how specific technical problems are solved.While radio waves might be the technological precursor of mobile phones, for example, a handset without an engineered network is useless technology. Engineers create, develop, and build the background structure that enables the use of technological devices. Sometimes, the dividing line between technology and engineering is a fine one. Words to Understand copper foam substrate a porous form of copper, like a metal sponge Instagram an online photo sharing service lithium-ion battery a type of lightweight, high-energy rechargeable battery micro-supercapacitors battery-like electrochemical charging devices that can rapidly charge and discharge terabytes a measurement of computer storage size; 1 terabyte is equal to 1,024 gigabytes, or approximately 1 trillion bytes USB port a “Universal Serial Bus” device that allows data transfer between devices voltaic pile the first electric battery, developed by Alessandro Volta
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