
Chapter one

An Overview of the UN Approach to Terrorism

From the earliest days of recorded history , humankind has perpetrated acts of terror on their fellow beings in hopes of demoralizing and frightening each other.The word zealot, now used to describe anyone who is fanatical about a particular philosophy or cause, originally applied to an ancient Jewish group that worked to expel the Romans from Judea through the use of terrorist techniques.

Wo r d s t o U n d e r s ta n d

accomplice : someone associated with another person, usually in wrongdoing. conventions : agreements between countries, less formal than treaties. demoralizing : discouraging, creating a loss of confidence. gunrunning : trafficking in guns and ammunition. protocols : established procedures often formulated and signed by diplomatic negotiators. unilaterally : done with input from only one side of an issue.


Chapter One

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