Although Palau has its own flag, it is still a territory of the United States.
The Future of the Trusteeship Council On November 1, 1994, the Trusteeship Council had its last meeting. Palau had become self-governing a month before, and the Council’s job was done. Although the regulations of the Trusteeship Council stated they must meet at least once a year,the Council decided to change this rule and meet only if necessary. Although the Trusteeship Council no longer has a job to do,it cannot be completely disbanded without changing the Charter of the United Nations. Also, different people and groups have different ideas about how to deal with the Trusteeship Council.One committee recommended that the Trust- eeship Council should take over administration of those areas belonging to no one nation, such as Antarctica, the oceans, the atmosphere, and outer space.On the other hand,UN Secretary General Kofi Annan stated in March of 2005 that he would like to make large changes to the entire struc- ture of the United Nations. One of these would be to eliminate the Trustee- ship Council completely.To do so, the UN would have to amend its charter, which has been a sticking point blocking the elimination of the council.
Chapter Two
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