


Sheila Nelson has written a number of educational books for young people. She lives in Rochester, NewYork,with her husband and children.

Series Advisor

Bruce Russett is Dean Acheson Professor of Political Science at Yale University and editor of the Journal of Conflict Resolution. He has taught or researched at Columbia, Harvard, M.I.T., Michigan, and North Carolina in the United States, and educational institutions in Belgium, Britain, Israel, Japan, and the Netherlands. He has been president of the International Studies Association and the Peace Science Society, and holds an honorary doctorate fromUppsalaUniversity in Sweden.Hewas principal adviser to theU.S.Catholic Bishops for their pastoral letter on nuclear deterrence in 1985,and codirected the staff for the 1995 Ford Foundation report, The United Nations in Its Second Half Century .He has served as editor of the Journal of Conflict Resolution since 1973. The twenty-five books he has published include The Once and Future Security Council (1997), Triangulating Peace: Democracy, Interdependence, and International Organizations (2001), World Politics: The Menu for Choice (8th edition 2006),and Purpose and Policy in the Global Community (2006).


United Nations

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