A bus travels the roads of Timor Leste to the capital city of Dili.
COLD WAR ACROSS THE WORLD In many respects, the Soviet Union and the western democracies, led by the United States, used Africa and parts of Asia as a Cold War battleground. Both sides fought proxy wars in many countries as the United States and the Soviet Union hoped to win the sympathies of newly independent nations.
throughout the territory. After the United States threatened to take away its economic support of Indonesia, the country gave in at last. At the end of 1999, the United Nations took direct control of East Timor, preparing it for independence. The government was called the United Nations Transitional Administration for East Timor and was led by Australia, with the help of several other UN member nations. In 2002, East Timor drew up a constitution, held elections, and became officially independent as the nation of Timor Leste on May 20. Four months later, the country became a member of the United Nations.
Chapter Five
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