Skipping meat and milk in favor of plants can also reduce the animal hormones a person eats or drinks. Some hormones occur naturally in animals, but some cow farmers give their animals growth hormones to increase their size and get more meat or milk. Whether naturally occurring or given as supplements, these hormones are chemically similar to those found in humans. They can impact the human body and do not go away when the animal is slaughtered. There is some evidence that the growth hormones given to some cows can increase a person’s risk of developing certain cancers, but this is still new research, so the precise risk is unknown. Studies such as a 2021 twelve-week randomized controlled study conducted by the Department of Nutritional Sciences at Pennsylvania State University show that those who eat healthy plant-based diets (in this case the Mediterranean diet) experience improvements in depressive symptoms. Similarly, a second randomized controlled trial in Australia that lasted three months showed statistically significant improvements in overall mental health scores for the participants who ate a plant-based diet. When the body is getting proper nutrition, as it does with a high-quality plant-based diet, it simply works better than it would otherwise. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats impact how the body works. All systems within the body need a certain combination of these nutrients to do their jobs. For example, the immune system, digestive system, and hormonal system all play a significant role in how the human body manages emotional stress. When poor nutrition causes these systems to start breaking down, a person might feel more “stressed,” even in only mildly stressful situations. When someone isn’t getting what they need through their diet, the body’s systems can’t do what they are meant to do,

Chapter 1: The Many Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet


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