The US Supreme Court Officially Classifies Tomatoes as Vegetables

Did you know that the US Supreme Court has officially declared that tomatoes are vegetables, even though that is not scientifically accurate? In 1893, the United States did not tax fruit imports but did tax vegetable imports. Importers who were forced to pay tax on a shipment of tomatoes sued New York’s collector of customs taxes for a refund, claiming that tomatoes were actually fruits and therefore should not be taxed. While the Supreme Court agreed with the importers, it decided to go with the culinary classification of tomatoes, and so the importers lost their case. persimmons, and pumpkins are also part of the berry family, while strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are not. Citrus fruits are any fruits that come from citrus trees and shrubs. These include oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and pomelos. Core fruits, also known as “pome fruits,” contain cores with multiple seeds. Apples are part of the pome family, as are pears, quinces, and loquats. Melons are any fruits from the gourd family that are both sweet and edible. Watermelons, cantaloupe melons, and honeydew melons all fall under this category. Fruits with pits are also known as “drupes” or “stone fruits.” As the name implies, this category includes all fruits that have a hard pit or seed at the center. They include apricots, peaches, mangoes, cherries, plums, and even olives. Tropical fruits include any fruits that are grown in warm climates, including


Fruits and Vegetables for Health

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