oxidative stress, the consumption of antioxidants can slow cellular damage caused by free radicals. That, in turn, can reduce a person’s risk of developing certain diseases, including but not limited to heart disease, inflammatory diseases, immune system diseases, and some cancers. Free radicals are naturally occurring waste products of normal, healthy cell function, so completely avoiding them is impossible. However, particular lifestyle and environmental factors can increase the amount of free radicals the body produces. These lifestyle factors include smoking and vaping, drinking alcohol, breathing polluted air, eating deep-fried foods, not wearing sunscreen, and sitting too much, among other factors. Consuming antioxidants shouldn’t be seen as an excuse to do unhealthy things, though. They can help to reduce the impact of unhealthy behaviors, but the more unhealthy behaviors a person engages in, the less antioxidants can correct. Overconsuming antioxidants can also be dangerous and can actually increase the risk of certain diseases. This overconsumption is more likely if one takes supplements. For example, consuming too much of the antioxidant vitamin E can increase a person’s risk of developing prostate cancer or having a stroke. Scientists have struggled to show that getting antioxidants from supplements does any good at all, and it may even do harm. There’s an old saying, “The dose makes the poison,” which means that even things that are good for you can become toxic if you get too much of them. However, getting antioxidants naturally through food and drink is unlikely to result in toxic levels. Nuts and seeds are filling. A person would be full before eating too many antioxidants in that form. Numerous studies show that people who eat diets rich in antioxidants have a reduced risk of many diseases. Other excellent sources of antioxidants include fruits, vegetables, unsweetened tea, unsweetened coffee, and dark chocolate.
Chapter 1: Nuts and Seeds: A Lot of Nutrition in a Little Package
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