Before Amazon, most books were purchased in bookstores, but Bezos’ website allowed customers to order books online, which opened a whole new world of possibilities for people around the world. Shoppers no longer had to depend on their local bookstores to get them the books they wanted. They didn’t have to use mail-order catalogs for hard-to-find books either. Where once book buyers would have had to wait for a week or more for books to be shipped to them, now customers could receive a book ordered through Amazon.com more quickly. Amazon is successful for many reasons, but one of the most important is its ability to adapt to a changing world. The future of products will continue to change with the digital age, and companies will need to continue to adjust as Amazon did in order to be successful.

When Bezos started Amazon, few people used the Internet for shopping. Amazon helped to change the way people thought about shopping online.


Story of a Startup

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