WHAT ARE PAINKILLERS? The Nature of Painkillers Painkillers are prescription drugs that people take to manage pain after injuries or surgeries. (Illegal opiates such as heroin are also used for pain; more on this dangerous drug later in this chapter.) Prescription painkiller medications are typically synthetic substances that either release endorphin chemicals to produce high levels of euphoria or calm the body’s reaction to pain. These substances have varying levels of potency. Some are appropriate for the treatment of minor pain, while others are used for more serious issues. For example, various over-the counter medications, like Aspirin or Tylenol, can be considered painkillers, because they can help reduce your symptoms. However, they are only effective for specific types of minor pain and are not addictive. Addictive painkillers are much more potent and are often derived from opium, a natural painkiller created from the seeds of the poppy plant. These substances release chemicals that create pleasure throughout the body and minimize your pain.
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