Opioids That Are Stronger Than Morphine Morphine is the base painkiller created by distilling opium from poppy plants. It is still commonly used as a painkiller and can be very addictive. However, many substances are even more addictive than morphine. These include (in order of potency): • fentanyl • oxymorphone • hydromorphone Fentanyl is by far the most potent opiate and is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine, making it one of the leading causes of addiction and overdose in the United States. However, any of the substances on this list can be incredibly addictive. Some (like methadone) are used in drug rehabilitation programs to help manage withdrawal pains and minimize reactions such as delirium tremens . Equivalent to Morphine Many opiates are on the same level as morphine and may be prescribed to manage similar pain levels. These include tapentadol and hydrocodone. These substances are less likely to trigger addiction because of their lower potency levels, but that doesn’t mean they are safe. Many people experience addiction to these substances every year and struggle to quit abusing painkillers. Weaker Than Morphine Doctors often prescribe these medications for minor pain issues, such as recovering after having wisdom teeth removed. Like • levorphanol • methadone • oxycodone


The Young Adult Drug Library: Painkillers

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