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Introduction................................................................... 7 Chapter 1: Is a Nursing Career for You?............................11 Chapter 2: Nursing Career Paths.....................................17 Chapter 3: Charting Your Path in Nursing.........................39 Chapter 4: Exploring Education and Careers in Nursing.........................................59 Chapter 5: Learning More About Nursing and Career Choices..............................................81 Index............................................................................92 Photo Credits................................................................94 Educational Video Links.................................................95 Author’s Biography .......................................................96 Words to Understand: These words with their easy-to-understand definitions will increase the reader’s understanding of the text while building vocabulary skills. Sidebars: This boxed material within the main text allows readers to build knowledge, gain insights, explore possibilities, and broaden their perspectives by weaving together additional information to provide realistic and holistic perspectives. Educational Videos: Readers can view videos by scanning our QR codes, providing them with additional educational content to supplement the text. Examples include news coverage, moments in history, speeches, iconic sports moments, and much more! Series Glossary of Key Terms: The Key Terms glossary contains terminology used throughout this series. Words found here increase the reader’s ability to read and comprehend higher-level books and articles in this field.

Nursing is one of the most popular healthcare careers because there are a variety of occupational paths, nurses earn good salaries, and there are many openings for people who like to help others.



Students are often interested in learning more about careers, but many don’t take the steps necessary to do so, according to a survey of 14- to 18-year-olds by the nonprofit ECMC Group. It found that while 74 percent of respondents believe it is important to have their career plans determined when they graduate from high school, only 39 percent have taken classes or participated in programs to explore occupations. Many young people are not aware of the wide range of activities that are available to help them explore the field they’re considering, discover career paths, and learn what it takes to train and be successful in a given occupation. If you are a middle school or high school student, here are just a few of the exploration activities in which you can participate. • nursing skills and general STEM competitions • school clubs • interviews and job shadowing experiences with nurses • summer exploration camps • first aid and CPR classes • volunteer opportunities at local medical offices and in other settings • tours of hospitals and other locations where nurses do their work • books, websites, podcasts, and videos • mentorship programs • resources from professional nursing associations, companies, and government agencies Each title in the Getting Started series provides everything that you need to know about exploring careers while you’re in middle and high school. It also includes a wealth of information about more than 25 occupations, educational requirements, paying for school,


and many other resources. If you’re looking for some great—and fun— ideas on how to learn more about a specific occupational field, you should check out this series. After exploring some of the suggested activities and learning more about nursing occupations, you may be inspired to become a registered nurse, nurse practitioner, or surgical nurse, or enter one of dozens of other careers in this field. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s begin exploring education and careers in nursing.


Getting Started: Careers in Nursing

Men comprise only 13.3 percent of the 3.1 million registered nurses in the United States, according to the US Department of Labor, but this percentage is growing as more men recognize the benefits of working in this occupation. 9 Introduction


apprenticeship: a formal training program that combines supervised practical experience and classroom instruction; the program is free to apprentices, who receive pay that increases as they obtain experience empathetic: acting in a way that shows understanding of others’ feelings general practitioners: physicians who treat common medical conditions, diseases, and injuries and who refer patients with more serious issues to medical specialists outpatient care center: a medical facility that provides services that do not require an overnight stay; these include wellness and prevention services, treatments, diagnostic services, and rehabilitation


1 Chapter

Is a Nursing Career for You?

What’s So Great About Nursing Careers?

If you’re the type of person who likes science, has an empathetic personality, and wants to help others, then a nursing career could be in your future. There are nursing careers for people with high school diplomas all the way through to those with doctorate degrees. You can even train for some positions via an apprenticeship . This training method— unlike college—does not cost a cent, and you will earn a salary while you learn. A wide range of work environments are available in nursing. Some nurses work in surgical departments of hospitals, while others work for general practitioners in medical offices. Nurses in the military sometimes work near the front lines of a battle, treating wounded soldiers. And some nurses work in schools, laboratories, law offices, and business offices.


Earnings for nurses are often higher than those paid to workers in other fields. For example, registered nurses earn a median annual wage of $82,750, according to the US Department of Labor (DOL). This is higher than the median annual wage for all occupations of $58,260. Top nurse anesthetists earn more than $200,000 a year. On the other hand, most nursing assistants earn between $28,900 and $37,170 a year. This salary is pretty low, but keep in mind that many nursing assistants view this position as a starting point in healthcare until they train to become a nurse or enter other medical occupations. Employment in the healthcare industry is projected to grow 13 percent from 2021 to 2031, according to the DOL. This is much faster than the average for all careers. Demand for general and specialized

Many opportunities will be available in nursing because of the growing elderly population, which typically needs more care than younger generations.


Getting Started: Careers in Nursing

nurses will increase because of the growing number of senior citizens, who often need more medical care than younger people do; the growing US population; and an increasing emphasis on medical education and prevention of conditions such as diabetes and obesity. There will be an increasing need for nurses in healthcare settings— including hospitals and outpatient care centers —that provide same-day services, such as rehabilitation, chemotherapy, and minor surgeries. Nurses will also be needed in home healthcare settings and in residential care facilities. Demand will be strongest for nurse practitioners. Employment in this nursing specialty is expected to grow 46 percent from 2021 to 2031—making it the fastest-growing career in the United States. Laws have been passed in many states that allow nurse practitioners to perform some of the duties of doctors as a way to provide services to the growing elderly population and to make up for shortages in the number of general practitioners and geriatric physicians. What Type of People Are Interested in Nursing Careers? People with many different interests can find nursing careers that suit them. But if you’re unsure about your interest in the field, answer the following statements to determine whether a nursing career is the best fit for you. • My favorite classes are health, biology, and chemistry. • I like to take care of people. • I’m interested in the human body and how it works. • I like to learn about medical science breakthroughs. • I would like to learn first aid and CPR. • I can work effectively both as a member of a team and on my own, when needed.


Is a Nursing Career for You?

If any of these statements describe you, then you should consider a career in the field. But don’t be deterred if you didn’t answer yes to most of the prompts. So many additional nursing occupations exist— such as legal nurse consultant or flight nurse—that you are likely to find a great career that will match your skills and interests. In fact, this book provides information on more than 25 nursing careers.

If you like biology class in school, you might enjoy a career in nursing.


Getting Started: Careers in Nursing

What’s Inside This Book In this book, you’ll receive answers to these and other questions. • What are some great careers in the field? • What are some key nursing and healthcare terms that I should know? • What are some easy and more challenging ways to explore education and occupations in the field? • What are some important professional associations in the field, and what types of resources do they provide to students and to those just starting out in their career searches? • What nursing-related books and websites should I check out? • How do I train for a nursing career? • How do I pay for my education, and are free training options available? • How do I land my first job in the field? Does a career in nursing sound like a good fit for your interests and abilities? If so, read on to learn everything you need to know about exploring and preparing for the field.


Is a Nursing Career for You?


genes: the parts of DNA that allow living things to pass on traits to their children licensed: permission granted by the government to work in a specific career, or be allowed to do a certain task for business (e.g., drive a car) obstetrics/gynecology: a medical specialty that focuses on women’s health before, during, and after the childbearing years, as well as diagnosing and treating conditions of the reproductive system oncology: a medical specialty that focuses on the study and treatment of cancer pediatrics: the branch of medicine concerned with caring for and treating babies, children, and adolescents


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