nurses will increase because of the growing number of senior citizens, who often need more medical care than younger people do; the growing US population; and an increasing emphasis on medical education and prevention of conditions such as diabetes and obesity. There will be an increasing need for nurses in healthcare settings— including hospitals and outpatient care centers —that provide same-day services, such as rehabilitation, chemotherapy, and minor surgeries. Nurses will also be needed in home healthcare settings and in residential care facilities. Demand will be strongest for nurse practitioners. Employment in this nursing specialty is expected to grow 46 percent from 2021 to 2031—making it the fastest-growing career in the United States. Laws have been passed in many states that allow nurse practitioners to perform some of the duties of doctors as a way to provide services to the growing elderly population and to make up for shortages in the number of general practitioners and geriatric physicians. What Type of People Are Interested in Nursing Careers? People with many different interests can find nursing careers that suit them. But if you’re unsure about your interest in the field, answer the following statements to determine whether a nursing career is the best fit for you. • My favorite classes are health, biology, and chemistry. • I like to take care of people. • I’m interested in the human body and how it works. • I like to learn about medical science breakthroughs. • I would like to learn first aid and CPR. • I can work effectively both as a member of a team and on my own, when needed.


Is a Nursing Career for You?

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