Another important and equally unfortunate reason that mental health disorders are not receiving enough attention is the fact that they are chronically underreported because people are reluctant to admit to problems. Somewhere along the way, it seems our society accepted obesity as amainstream problem, one that can be openly discussed andworked on. For someone to admit any struggle with mental health, however, is largely taboo. The statistics available on the subject are already alarming, and these numbers only take into account the individuals seeking treatment for their issues. OUR CULTURAL DEFINITION OF FITNESS
ANTI- DEPRESSANTS ARE THE NEWASPIRIN The American Psychological Association reported that as of 2014, an astounding 64 percent of the population regularly took some form of antidepressant medication! As if that number alone doesn’t put the issue into perspective, when this data was calculated in the year 1999, this number was a little more than seven percent. It is certainly no stretch to say that the statistics regarding obesity are disturbing, but perhaps equally as critical are those painting the picture of our mental health.
As human beings, we will always be inherently attracted towhat we can see. When it comes to fitness, the impressive physiques adorning the containers in supplement stores andmagazine pages are the shiny objects that drawus in. It is infinitely easier to sell you a workout programor product promising to give you six-pack abs than to convince you to spend your time andmoney on a technique that improves the way you view the world around you.
Mind and Body Fitness
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